West Linn Forms


If you are new here:

  • 1. Complete our forms

    Please complete the necessary forms for your desired services:

    - Intake Form
    - Daycare Agreement
    - Rules Agreement

    - Grooming Form

  • 2. Send Vaccinations Records

    For both Daycare and Grooming, please email a copy of your dog's current vaccination records to us at: info@safeandhound.net

    The records must include proof of current vaccinations for the following:
    - Bordetella
    - DHPP
    - Rabies

  • 3. Get scheduled

    Once we have received your forms, reviewed your completed intake form and have received current vaccination records, we will reach out to schedule your evaluation day.
    Please note, for doggy daycare, we require a full day for an evaluation.

    For grooming services, you will be scheduled for a one on one appointment.

Online forms


For daycare inquiries, please complete our forms and submit before scheduling an evaluation day.


Printable forms

If you prefer a printable format,
please fill out each form and email to info@safeandhound.net


For daycare inquiries, please complete our forms and submit before scheduling an evaluation day.