

Dog (noun.): The Best Friend you will ever have. A loyal, loving companion that care for you more than himself. A special creature whose time in your heart will far outnumber its days on earth.

Our purpose is to provide a safe, happy and joyous space for your four legged family members to receive the unconditional love and attention they so freely give us, while meeting new friends.

Meet the Owner: Crystal Jayne. After having my miscarriage in 2014, I was surprised with the gift of Ronin; a mild mannered German Shepherd, old soul, who loves steak. Within a couple days of bringing him home, he became sick and was diagnosed with Parvo. My heart was breaking once again. I thought for sure we were going to lose him. After 10 days being in the hospital receiving IV fluid treatment, we decided to bring him home on hospice care. Well, he finally ate white rice and He LIVED!!! He has taught us so much about love, life, patience, and we have an inseparable bond. I got baby fever again and we adopted Kodiak, our energetic, talkative, bull in a china shop, German Shepherd who always has a smile on his face. Keeping the fort down at home, we have MIA, our elderly female German Shepherd, who loves slow walks and long naps. We truly believe hearts and lives are forever changed by the companion of a dog and we are dedicated to serving our community. 

So, who hasn't wanted to or at least thought about being a Stay at Home Dog parent, right? We certainly have and we made our dreams reality. Please come and join us as we play music, talk and laugh, take pictures and videos, and make sure all our four legged family members leave happy and satisfied, ready to come back for more! We provide snacks and please make sure to bring anything extra you desire for their time here (toys, specific food, blankets). We look forward to seeing you at our Wilsonville or West Linn location!!